
华润娱乐app下载中心 Maxwell渲染器学习教程全面入门基础视频课程 华润娱乐登录官方入口
语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件: Maxwell Render Studio
持续时间: 4小时3分钟
项目文件: 包括
文件大小: 1.21 GB

Maxwell Render—the 3D rendering software for designers and architects—boasts a suite of tools that can help you create stunningly realistic 3D renders. It’s also a recognized standard in product design, architectural visualization, film production, and other high-end rendering markets. In this beginner’s course, learn how to get up and running with Maxwell Render. Instructor Leon van den Heever provides an overview of the functions, capabilities, and material system of this powerful, physically-based renderer. He covers how to navigate the user interface and work with objects and the Material Assistant, primarily focusing on Maxwell Studio as the staging interface of the Maxwell suite, and on tackling actual rendering in Maxwell Render. Plus, he goes into the different types of emitters or lights that you can use to light your scenes, how to create and position the camera, and how to set render options.


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